Wheel of the Year: Spirit in Season!

$49.99 each, or $349.99 for all eight one-week classes.

Eight natural Earth holy days, called Sabbats, comprise what is known as the Wheel of the Year. The Wheel is a symbolic model of Natures life cycle. As we journey through the seasons, we experience the ebb and flow of life and death, light and dark, cold and heat, growth and fallow. When we honor these eight holy days in our spiritual practice- the solstices and equinoxes and the four cross quarter days in between- we deepen our relationship to nature and become more aligned with our earthly experience. Such good soul medicine!

This series of classes, beginning at Samhain (Hallowe'en) will occur over one week per Sabbat. On Monday at 3pm the week before, you will receive a video lesson on the meaning, lore, and common practices for each Sabbat. On Friday evening at 7 PST of that week, we will meet live over Zoom to learn how to celebrate the Sabbat in a ritual, with time for Q&A. 

You can purchase each Sabbat class separately for $49.99 each or purchase all 8 for a discounted price of $349.99.

Imbolc: Jan. 24 and 28, 2022

Ostara: March 14 and 18, 2022

Beltane: April 25 and 29, 2022

Litha: June 13 and 17, 2022

Lughnassad:  July 25 and 29, 2022

Mabon: Sept. 12 and 16, 2022

Samhain: Oct. 17 and 21, 2022

Yule: Dec. 12 and 16, 2022

Explore the Individual Courses...

Meet your guide...

Rev. Judith Laxer

I have been teaching classes, workshops and programs on the Divine Feminine, the magickal arts, and psychic development since 1993, in my private practice as well as at conferences and gatherings internationally.

I have always been tuned into life in a magickal way with many psychic experiences as a child. As a teenager, I obtained my own Tarot deck, which initiated me into the mysteries. As I matured, I realized that the way I perceived the world was actually part of an Earth-based spiritual path. As a young adult back in the 1980’s, books were the only resource available to me about this way of life. I read everything I could get my hands on and began to put into practice what I gleaned there. Over time, these practices deepened into my devotional path, and in sharing it with others, I began to build community. My own lived experience is my greatest resource. In my 30’s I could no longer deny my calling and became a Priestess of the Goddess. I wanted to provide for others the mentoring that had been missing for me when I was coming up, and I began teaching Her ways.

Teaching is a special joy for me. The blessing of teaching is to witness and experience the successful result of what has been proffered. I feel honored that my students have taken what they have learned in my classes and enhanced their own spiritual lives, and many have gone on to become teachers, ceremonialists, and leaders themselves.